Are you a hair and beauty biz owner who's tired of not knowing what to post on social media to get consistent bookings?

Been in the industry for years but now struggling to book regulars, and you can't keep up with the algorithm and TikTok trends?

Feeling defeated and like you're winging it with your marketing, wondering if the sensible thing is to just give up – even though you love what you do – because you're not consistently booking out your diary?

Thinking you should just "give it time" but not sure what to do in meantime?

Then my BRAND NEW FREE Less-is-More Marketing Masterclass was made for ya...


You'll walk away with:

⭐️ Confidence and clarity, because you finally know why social media isn't working to consistently book Rockstar Clients, why it might be the biggest time-drainer in your business, and what to do instead.

⭐️ The key to doing less on social media while filling your diary with Rockstar Clients – even if you don’t know what to say or feel like posting takes too much time. 


⭐️ What to do vs not do when it comes to social media – so you can ditch that feeling of winging it, not knowing what to say, and being useless with your marketing (this will be especially helpful for ADHD-Bosses!). 

⭐️ The 6-week roadmap (yes, you can do this in the next 6 weeks) to break out of the cycle of being booked 1 week and dead the next – less is more and I'll show you how you can thrive only spending as little as 15 min a day on your marketing.

Less is More Masterclass Full MockUp

Aha moments, motivation and momentum from my last Masterclass...

High Quality - Smarter not Harder Masterclass Testimonials 1
High Quality - Smarter not Harder Masterclass Testimonials 2
High Quality - Smarter not Harder Masterclass Testimonials 3