Are you breaking through, or burning out?
6 weeks to drop a day behind the chair. For real.
Enter: BREAKTHROUGH by Boss Your Salon
Apply To Join The Next Breakthrough Cohort...
Breakthrough is an implementation-based, group coaching programme and mastermind, for fully-booked freelancers who are ready to drop a day behind the chair (without sacrificing any profit) in 6 weeks, all whilst being supported inside of a mastermind for a total of 6 months.
Truth bomb: You need to drop a day of client work. And badly!
But your efforts so far haven’t helped you get there.
Maybe you’ve learned some lessons (like what NOT to do), but no matter how much you work at it… you still somehow backslide into old habits or overwhelm… with little to show for it.
Giving up sounds tempting when it looks like NOTHING will work. But the thing is... you’re COMMITTED to making this work/life balance happen -- and cracking the code on scaling your income.
You’ve already tried…
- Increasing your prices in the hopes that you’d lose some clients... Spoiler alert, you're busier than ever!
- Investing in a booking system, to try to free up some time... Which reduced some admin time, but it quickly got filled up with something else.
- Investing in yet another online course or programme, only to lose momentum and feel like you’ve fallen behind, without anything to show for your investment... Leaving you feeling like you've wasted money and didn't see results.
It’s frustrating and demoralising to feel like you’ve tried (or at least considered) it all, and to be honest you’re TIRED, and ready for a different way.
Real talk: The reason those things haven’t worked for you is because you’re not looking at your business through the eyes of a CEO.
I’ve seen clients struggle with this over and over again, which is why I created Breakthrough.
If you’re truly ready for a REAL sense of balance and freedom, Breakthrough was designed specifically to help you get there.
My approach is counter-intuitive, maybe even controversial. It is the opposite of hustle culture.
It’s not about offering more services to more clients. Instead, together we’ll take what already exists, and optimise every single stage of your business and client journey, to make it as profitable and streamlined as it can be.
We tap into the quick wins, because you don’t have time to reinvent the wheel, and you don’t even need to, either.Lasting success happens when you work SMARTER, not HARDER.
Here's what past clients have said about BREAKTHROUGH...

In the first 6 weeks inside of Breakthrough, we will focus on the following areas and goals:
1️⃣ Connect to your long-term vision and goals for not just your business, but your life too, so you know exactly where you’re going.
2️⃣ Audit your business as it is now, and spot opportunities and quick-wins to boost profits and reduce hours of wasted time spent on ‘busywork’.
3️⃣ Implement and measure success (as YOU define it), creating the business that will be the vehicle to get you towards your long–term vision, always working smarter, not harder.
4️⃣ Learn how to operate from the mindset of a CEO, rather than making reactionary decisions based on feelings and emotions.
5️⃣ Create your ‘4 Day Roadmap’, so you know EXACTLY when you’ll be dropping a day of client work, so you can focus on opportunities which leverage your time to allow you to really breakthrough your current income ceiling.
6️⃣ Know that this will all happen without sacrificing your profits, so your growth is sustainable, and doesn’t throw you into survival mode.
And that’s just the beginning! Over the rest of our 6 months together, you’ll be part of an expansive, supportive, and highly curated mastermind, which will support you to keep the momentum. Finally stepping into your CEO shoes, so you can transition from burnout, to Breakthrough.
The mastermind will have a focus towards really dialling in what you’ve done in the first 6 weeks, essentially ‘turning on the tap’, to make sure you cover your Breakthrough enrolment as quickly as possible.
These sessions are led by myself and Hayley Jepson, a qualified psychotherapist turned burnout-prevention coach, so you are fully supported as you shift into this new identity and can feel safe to be successful.
Think of the first 6 weeks of curriculum as the doing (the steps, the strategy, the proven roadmap), and the remaining mastermind portion as the being (compounding what you’ve learned and implemented, and navigating the identity shifts required to operate a business at this level).
From coaching hot-seats, to focused workshops that help you to navigate claiming your new identity as CEO, you'll be blown away by how much will change for you in just 6 months.
Breakthrough seeks hair and beauty freelancer applicants with specific criteria.
The fact is -- we can only accept a limited number of participants at any given time -- and (because of our guarantee below) we only work with those who are qualified and ready to show up, do the work, and focus to achieve the objectives of the program.
Because of this, it’s imperative that every participant is truly ready for this level of growth -- for sustainably dropping a day of client work, whilst increasing profits -- and has the attitude and drive to make the most of their time in Breakthrough to get there!
It is truly exciting to support the industry to achieve true work/life balance, but we must make sure you are qualified (and ready) before we commit to working with you in this program.
Here’s what we are looking for, and how to know if Breakthrough is right for you:
✅ You'll fit right in if...
- You're a fully-booked hair and beauty entrepreneurs who's ready to drop a day behind the chair (with no loss in profits) in 6 weeks.
- You've already used my Boss Your Profits pricing calculator programme, and have implemented at least one price increase.
- You are coachable, dedicated, and committed to showing up and following a proven process.
- You want to keep your business lean, so you don’t have the headache of hiring employees to lighten the load of client work.
- You want to free up a day to leverage that time; whether that’s to focus on growing your educator business or product line, work on the long-term strategy to boost future profits, or just to adventure and say yes to life!
❌ This is NOT for you if...
- You are less than 80% booked.
- You haven’t yet got your prices correct.
- You're looking for a quick fix, or someone else to do the work for you.
- You aren’t ready to commit to an implementation process right now.
- You want the results, without having to take any action.
How we’ll work together through Breakthrough...
The format of Breakthrough is what makes it truly unique and helps you achieve results that were previously not possible.
During the next step of the application process, I’ll explain the entire format and structure in detail.
For now, what’s most important to know is that we use a blend of…

You’ll receive 1 live training and implementation session per week for 6 weeks, to walk you through the Breakthrough framework step-by-step.
You will be accessing all content through Zoom classes, which will be recorded and uploaded to your online learning portal.

Every Monday at 7pm for the first 6 weeks together we’ll meet as a small group to go over the curriculum together, implementing as we go.
We’ll also focus on your goals, strategy, and questions about the framework and process. You will have everything you need from these calls, to drop a day behind the chair without sacrificing on profits. Nothing more, nothing less.
After the first 6 weeks, we’ll meet every other Monday at 7pm on Zoom for a blend of masterminds, hot-seats, and identity and mindset-shifting workshops, alternating between myself and Hayley.
Want to get my eyes on your business? Join Breakthrough as a VIP and you'll also receive 3 private 1:1 coaching calls throughout the 6 months, to make sure you are getting all of the personal attention and feedback you need, and have the opportunity to talk through any roadblocks or challenges directly with me, to keep you on track and accountable to reach your long term goals.

You will be surrounded by other Bosses just like you -- with similar goals to yours. Inside of this group, you’ll be able to help track one another’s progress, support each other through challenges and wins, and keep your drive high!
Because we are so selective about who is allowed into the program, rest assured this is a highly curated community -- so get excited to meet everyone!
You’ll also be supported by some of our Breakthrough Bosses who have just completed this process in the last couple of months, so you can get advice and support from people who are a few steps ahead on the same journey, learning from their lessons to accelerate your own growth.
Here's what past clients have said about BREAKTHROUGH...

Learn how to audit your business, so you not only see where you’re leaking money, but you’ll plug the gaps to turbo-charge your profitability (without working with more clients).
This won’t be another self-paced course that gathers digital dust on your desktop. This group programme has been specifically designed to walk you through each step, with a focus on implementation (i.e. actually doing the thing), so you take the most impactful action, week by week. And you’ll take each step as a group, so you’re fully supported every step of the way.
You can’t get work/life balance while you’re slogging it out behind the chair. My process is designed to win you back at least 1 day from client work, and all without sacrificing a penny of your precious profits.
I am 100% committed to helping you to drop a day behind the chair, without losing any profit.
That said, you might still have hesitations about whether what you’re reading on this page is truly possible for you and if Breakthrough is the best choice to get you there.
So here’s the deal: Breakthrough is an elite option and the investment reflects that. That might make you question if it’s really “worth it,” and I get that.
So in case you are still hesitating to apply, here’s a guarantee that you can bank on:
I am willing to promise you that if you participate in all of the calls, implement all of the work, and do not see a reduction of 1 day of client work per week, without a loss of profit, as a result of Breakthrough, then I will work with you for free until you do.
If you’re truly ready for true work/life balance, and willing to do the work to get there with the guidance and support of Breakthrough, there is absolutely no reason NOT to apply today.
You have the ability to work less and earn more in your hair or beauty biz.
But what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working and it’s time for that to stop, once and for all.
You’re here reading this page because you’re a fully-booked hair or beauty Boss who’s SO done with…
❌ Spending hours & hours everyday trying to do ALL OF THE THINGS that come with running a booked-out business, like social media, bookings and accounts.
❌ Doing a tonne of work on business growth or mindset, and simply NOT seeing the results you want.
❌ Trying, reading, learning, and consuming EVERYTHING, like industry podcasts, webinars and challenges, yet still feeling really overwhelmed and not seeing shifts.
❌ Being so focused on breaking through your income ceiling that you're worried you’ll never figure it out. Maybe waiting is the answer. Spoiler: it’s not.
❌ Investing in courses and programmes that don’t or won’t help you, or not implementing what you learn because you’re so damn busy (and then feeling a wave of guilt for wasting money, or feeling like you’ve fallen behind).
❌ You’re tired of wasting time, money, and energy on methods that give you ZERO results.
You’re ready for REAL answers. REAL support. REAL community.
Which is why you’re the perfect candidate for Breakthrough.
Because you know what happens when you finally know how to drop a day and keep profits, with ease?
✅ You wake up every morning EXCITED to tackle scaling your business, because you have the system/knowledge/support you need to handle it like a PRO. Instead of dreading the week ahead, you can’t wait to do the kind of work that lights you up.
✅ You finally feel the way you WANT to feel as a CEO, because you’re confident auditing your business and fixing up those money leaks. You welcome the challenges that come with levelling up, because you’ve got the tools, support and the business confidence to deal with anything that comes your way.
✅ You have more free time now that you’re not STRESSING about losing money. Free time that you can fill with adventure, hobbies and rest, or that can be leveraged into even more income, as you free up time to focus on other revenue streams.
Results don’t happen by accident.
They happen because you have followed a system and process, taken the steps, done the work, and received the help necessary to get where you want to go. Period.
If you’re ready to finally see those results you’ve been wanting, that true balance, let’s do this.
Big Facts: We are 100% committed to our clients inside of Breakthrough.
And we’ve already helped a number of hair and beauty business owners to successfully drop a day of client work per week over the past 6 months. So we already know exactly what you’re signing up for when you decide to join Breakthrough.
But we understand that you’re not behind the scenes seeing the wins that we’re seeing every day. So why don’t we bring you behind the scenes?
You don’t just have to listen to me go on about how incredible the program is.
Instead, you can hear directly from Bosses just like you who’ve experienced these results firsthand…

When Andrea applied to join Breakthrough, she had already built a successful business from her gorgeous home salon, but she had hit an income ceiling and felt like she was at a crossroads in her business.
She was considering offering new treatments that would give her a new challenge and boost profits, but was worried about keeping her long standing regulars happy, too.
Since joining Breakthrough, Andrea has put her prices up for the second time in a year without losing any Rockstar Clients, she has created and enforced policies in her business for the first time in 9 years, and has shifted her mindset from feeling like a ‘little business at home’, to a CEO who automates, delegates, and makes high-level business decisions with a new level of self-trust.
Investing in this type of program was something Andrea thought long and hard about, even meeting with a friend to map out her options, and work out how she could fit it in around a holiday, as well as a full column of clients.
Worried about having the time to fit the program in? Andrea says,
“You’ll be surprised how quickly you get results (I was too!) - Just trust in the process, trust in Maddi, and put in the work, and you could be on your way to a much better work/life balance too… Sooner than you think!
Most of the work is done on the calls, so you don’t need to spend loads of your own time doing extra work. I love that we all keep each other accountable and help each other out, so it doesn’t feel like you’re figuring it out on your own!”.

Amy is a hairdresser and MUA who rents a space in a salon. She’d only just used my Boss Your Profits pricing calculator a few months before joining Breakthrough.
She was struggling to manage her workload, and felt like she had reached an income ceiling. Whilst her business was a dream on paper, she struggled with self-sabotage and had fears around letting her clients down.
Since enrolling, Amy has learned how to identify and speak directly to her Rockstar Client via her marketing, so she’s working with clients who she feels aligned with, with others waiting in the wings when spaces do become available.
She’s been able to drop a day of client work per week, whilst earning more than before, and her newfound time is spent between family, friends, and seizing new opportunities with both hands.
Amy now confidently implements her policies, and feels equipped to deal with challenges, rather than shying away from them, and this confidence has even spilled into her personal life, not just in business.

When Josie joined Breakthrough, she had loads of plans but struggled to find the time to put anything into action. She had aspirations of going into teaching, so she could leverage her time to make more income and support her family, as well as sharing her knowledge and having an impact on the industry, but it felt like a far-off fantasy while she was constantly stuck in the day-to-day overwhelm of running a busy hair salon.
As a mum of twins, Josie’s time was scarce and she felt guilty balancing mum life with keeping her clients happy.
Since joining Breakthrough, Josie has not only managed to drop a day of client work per week, she makes the same as before, some weeks even more!
She also finally found the time to finish her AET, and had the confidence to reach out to a brand and strike up a collaboration. And since her time in Breakthrough, she's now launched her own education brand!
Josie spends more time with her family now, and the breathing space to be able to focus her mind on her next big venture, and turn up as the best version of herself, in every area of her life.
Joining Breakthrough initially scared Josie as it felt like a big task to take on, she was worried if she could find the time to attend the classes, and implement what she was learning, with her already being so busy.
She wondered if maybe she wasn’t ready for a programme like this, but in her words, “I needed to put my big girl pants on!”.
The program has helped her to break down her impostor syndrome, and has left her wanting to explore what’s next in her career, rather than wondering where it ends.
Josie’s tip for anyone thinking if Breakthrough is right for them? “Step out of your comfort zone, push yourself, get the support and accountability that you need from your Breakthrough team… They will make sure you tackle the next big thing with support and confidence - Failure is not an option when you join Breakthrough.”
In Breakthrough, you’ll finally drop a day behind the chair, without losing a penny in profits (and that’s just the beginning!)
Are you ready?
Unlike other online-based coaching programs, Breakthrough does not give you the basic, top-level idea, then leave you to work out how that actually works for you, or what next steps to take.
Breakthrough is different in its focus on implementation.
As a member of Breakthrough, you will not only be guided step-by-step through the content, but you will be held accountable to your goals.
The best part is how absolutely doable this will be, once you have the right, proven framework and support in your corner.
Don’t spend another moment stalking my content and re-reading this page.
If you know this is for you, trust yourself enough to take this step.
Because freedom is waiting.
Once I receive your application, I’ll assess suitability and get in touch with you to talk about the next steps.
Send me a DM on Instagram @BossYourSalon to let me know once you’ve submitted it!
Speak soon,