Boss Your Salon | Championing hair & beauty pros who are DONE playing small
Price with confidence, master your mindset, and get PAIDDDD!
The Math Isn’t Mathing
‘Scuse me while I hop up on my soapbox for a minute.
Hard truth time, Boss - in an industry that’s worth over £4.6 billion*, many hair & beauty pros are still seriously undercharging.
Not only are hardworking, highly-skilled Bosses like you not making the money you deserve, but there’s also a massive knowledge gap.
When you went through your training, I bet no one taught you how to price for profit.
Or how to market your business in a way that feels good - for you, and your Rockstar clients.
Or how to sell your amazing services - the ones you’ve spent literal blood, sweat, and tears perfecting - without the ‘ick’.
None of this is your fault, by the way.
But it is up to you to take responsibility for what you’re going to do next…
Running a successful hair & beauty business is about so much more than giving a great blow dry, crafting killer claws, or being a brow badass.
If only it were that simple, eh?!
Maybe you’ve tried:
💸 Raising your prices - “I took a guess & now I’m crossing my fingers!”
🤳 Hopping on alllll the latest social media trends - “Why do I feel like I have a whole other job now?!”
👀 Or keeping an eye on what ‘her down the road’ is doing - “Because if it works for her, it’s gonna work for me, right?”
But whenever you give something a go, you’re never quiiite sure whether you’re moving the needle.
You need a clear strategy.
And if you’re just starting out, you might be wondering, “Will I actually be able to make this work?”
Pssst… even seasoned Bosses feel ‘the fear’.
Here’s where your mindset comes in.
Well, I’ve got good news for you, Boss.
Instead of looking to your competitors for all the answers…
Spending precious hours on Instagram…
Or following a cookie-cutter approach that worked for a load of middle-aged white guys…
I’m here to guide you in building a business on your own terms - one that actually supports your lifestyle, dreams, and goals.
In short - I bloody believe in you, Boss!
Because you didn’t put in all that hard graft for nothing.
You deserve to make decent money, work with clients you love, doing services you enjoy - without living week to week, feeling terrified to take time off, or wondering where your next client is coming from.
You know It’s time to take action.
By action, I don’t mean getting lost in “busywork”.
I’m talking about taking radical responsibility for what you’ve built and where you’re going next.
Because this is your business.
Boss Your Salon isn’t about teaching you what worked for me or for someone else so you can go away and follow my advice to a T.
Sorry Boss, but I’m not here to spoon-feed you.
What I will do is hold you accountable, shout about your brilliance from the rooftops, and give you all the marketing strategy, mindset tools, and pricing know-how you need to build your own Big Boss Vision - YOUR WAY.
It’s about figuring out what you desire, how you want to show up, how you want to serve your Rockstars.
If you’re ready to ditch your ‘practitioner’ hat, and confidently and competently step into your CEO shoes, you’ve joined the right gang.
And I’m absolutely buzzing you’re here.
Meet Your Coach / Champion / Cheerleader*
*Also known as the ultimate giver of (loving!) kicks up the bum
Maddi Cook. Founder of Boss Your Salon & Pricing Queen of the Hair and Beauty Industry
People often say I’m exactly the same in real life as I appear on social media. I think that might be because I’ve got a real 360-degree view of the industry and the challenges we face:
I’ve worked mobile, rented a chair, owned a salon, had chair renters, had staff, had a partnership, had a limited company, and have been VAT registered, as well as being an educator, and now a coach. I get it!
My approach centres around the idea that business can (and should!) be fun. Your biz gets to look however you want it to look.
I’m here to encourage you to dream bigger, realise your potential, and equip you with all the practical and slightly “woo” tools you need to make it happen.
Ready to *finally* create the business you deserve?
The Hills I Will Die On...
It’s not just about getting your numbers right, Boss. It’s about getting your mind right, too.
Because when you practise questioning your own beliefs around money, worthiness, and whatever “success” means for you, you start dismantling the old narratives that keep you playing small.
So much is possible for you. Like, waaaay more than you think.
A big part of what I do is to help you learn to recognise yourself in the Bosses you already aspire to.
Instead of getting bogged down by comparison, how would it feel to dwell in possibility?
You’re not the asshole for wanting to: make more money, set firm boundaries, or put yourself and your biz first.
You’re actually doing the entire industry a favour when you model this behaviour. Because for too long we’ve been expected to bend over backwards for clients or compromise our own well-being for profits. No more.
Taking responsibility and focusing on what’s in your control - not the 2945758539 other things that aren’t - is the key to getting where you wanna be.
And remember, Boss - you can do anything, but you can’t do everything.
Don’t get me wrong - I still want you to care, but not about what people think or say to you about how you live your life or run your biz.
When you master this, you get to do more of what lights you up.
And isn’t that kinda the point of life?!
You deserve to curate a business that you love. Full stop.
And when you do, this badass energy extends to the work you do, what you charge, the people you work with, the hours you work… everything.
It all starts when you decide.
If you tune into any of my lives or trainings, it’s likely you’ll see Tilly saunter across the screen at some point. She’s the true Boss.
Whether at home in Tynemouth or on one of our many ‘adventures & shenanigans’, Aidan, my BTS right-hand-man and the greatest husband of all time, is always working alongside me at Boss Your Salon HQ.
Where will we pop up next?!
Check Out These Results...

- You’re DONE feeling unsure, resentful, and burnt out by your business. You’ve worked so bloody hard to get here, Boss - you deserve more than just crumbs. Wherever you’re at now - struggling to attract your Rockstar clients or booked beyond capacity - I can help you feel hopeful, confident, and step into the BADASS CEO who’s been longing to take back control.
- You’re ready to trust the process. No two businesses - or Bosses - are exactly alike. That’s why when it comes to growing your hair & beauty biz, what your journey looks like may look very different to every other Boss out there. If you’re prepared to keep your eyes on your own paper, put the work in, and stay open to what’s possible for you, let’s get this party started.
- You’re craving accountability. You don’t have to go it alone, Boss. Whether you want some free support from the best Boss Gang on the internet, or you’re ready for a more in-depth, personalised experience inside ELEVATE and BREAKTHROUGH, you’re in good hands.
- Pedro Pascal is your favourite internet daddy. No one compares to Peds. Except my Aidan, of course! 😜